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February 2024: National Geographic

We have made it into the magazine from
National Geographic! 

The feature shows our research on how:

'underlying our unique language ability
lies a foundation of non-verbal
communication'. Plus, it includes this really

cool picture of Alex' EEG study (with Lina

acting as participant).

Make sure to check out the printed
magazine - February edition!

February 2024: Marlijn on the radio

Marlijn made her radio debut this week! In her 
interview she talked all about her research 
on hand gestures and prediction.

Listen and learn here:

December 2023: Naomi has become a doctor!

Congratulations to Naomi for

successfully defending her PhD thesis 

"Talking faces: The contribution of

conversational facial signals in

language use and processing".

She immediately got everyone's

attention by putting a mask on,

making it abundantly clear just how

important facial signals are.

Well done! 🙂

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December 2023: Media attention for Naomi's research

Turn that frown upside down, because

Naomi's PhD work got some well-

deserved attention! 

Listen to her interviews with BNR:




With Omroep Gelderland [from 10:04]:

Or read all about it here:


And on Scientias: 

April 2023: MPI TalkLing blog on gesture prediction by Marlijn

Marlijn's got a great new blog out:

"The future is in your hands: Can we

predict what someone will say next

based on their hand gestures?"

Read more here!: https://www.mpi-

March 2023: CoSI goes virtual at the InScience Festival!

Thanks to Naomi, Alina and Elena for

featuring some of the CoSI - VR work

at the InScience Festival in Nijmegen,

making people tinder with avatars! 😉

March 2023: Congratulations Naomi and James!

Two of the CoSI members have landed

fantastic new jobs to follow on from

their contracts in the lab:

Congratulations to Naomi to getting

a post-doc position at Edinburgh

University, and congrats to James on

landing a job as Assistant Professor at

the University of Amsterdam! We're so

happy for you (but you'll be very much


Studio shot van ballonnen op gekleurde gevlekte achtergrond
April 2022: Media attention for our new paper

James’ new study came out in Royal

Society Open today and got lots of

attention from the press including

The Guardian, Okdiario, La Dépêche

du Midi, RTL news, and more. Check it

out to see what the media (and us too

of course ;)) got so excited about: 

Trujillo, J. P., Levinson, S. C., & Holler, J.

(2022). A multi-scale investigation of

the human communication system’s

response to visual disruption. Royal

Society Open Science, 9(4): 211489. doi:10.1098/rsos.211489.

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March 2022: Congratulations to Naomi!

Naomi has won the Poster prize for the

Language & Communication theme at

the Donders Poster Session! The poster

presents the second study of her thesis,

a supercool, big corpus study on the

association between social actions

and visual bodily signals. Congrats, well


February 2022: Alexandra has become a doctor!

Alex has successfully defended her PhD

thesis, which she completed with the

BAND lab and the MBIC Brain and

Language group in Maastricht (under

the supervision of S. Kotz, B. Jansma, M.

Bonte): “Electrophysiological correlates

of phonological and temporal

regularities in speech processing.”

Great performance, congratulations! The CoSI lab is very proud of you 🙂

Autumn 2021: Two new members in the CoAct team!

Michelle Kühn and Alexandra

Emmendorfer have joined our ERC

project team as research assistant

and post-doc – welcome to both of

you, we’re every happy to have you

on board! 🙂

Image by Nico Smit
May 2021: Louise successfully defended her thesis: 

“Effects of aging and cognitive abilities

on multimodal language production

and comprehension in context” On May

17th, Louise travelled back to Nijmegen

all the way from Berlin and wowed us

with a wonderful defense performance

Congratulations, Dr. Schubotz!! So

happy that at least a small number of

us were allowed to be there in person during these pandemic times.

June 2020: Thank you, George!  😉


March/April/May 2020: Lockdown

Working from home, trying to advance

with coding video remotely and

continuing to write. Well done everyone

for adjusting so well and hanging in

there! Hopefully we’ll be able to see

each other face-to-face in the not too

distant future. Special respect to all the

student interns joining the group afresh

since the lockdown even: A very warm

welcome to Guido, Pim and Austin!

At the same time, we have to say goodbye to Mojenn who had to go back to Germany due to the pandemic and thus terminate her internship with us early. Thank you for all the hard (and precise!) work, Mojenn!

Mensen met maskers
February 2020: Tiziana joins the CoSI lab!

We’re very happy to have a new

member to the team: Tiziana Vercillo

has joined us from the well-known

Cognitive Neurophysiology Lab at URMC

on a prestigious Radboud Excellence

Initiative Fellowship. We’re looking

forward to working with you for the

next two years!

October 2019: Welcoming new members to the CoAct project!

The CoAct team just got bigger: a

warm welcome to Marlijn ter Bekke

and Naomi Nota, who will be studying

for their PhDs with us over the next four

years, as well as to James Trujillo, who

just started as post-doc the project.

We’re very happy for you to all be on

board! The CoSI lab has also grown due

to many new interns who’ve joined us

over recent weeks (see ‘people’

section). Welcome to you all!! We’re

very happy to have you!

Neon Hallo
January 2019: A new CoAct team member

We're thrilled that Linda Drijvers has

joined the CoAct team as post-doc -

welcome, Linda!

September 2018: The Communication in Action project (CoAct) has kicked off!

In this project, funded by the European

Research Council, we investigate how

bodily signals are used in conversation

and how they influence language

understanding. The research group

currently includes Marlijn ter Bekke

(Research Assistant), Josje de Valk (RA),

Mareike Geiger (Student Assistant),

Wieke Harmsen (SA) and Katharina Menn (SA).


Looking forward to starting on this exciting journey together!

November 2017: ERC Consolidator grant awarded to Judith

The grant will fund the “CoAct –

Communication in Action: Towards a

contextualised model of language and

action processing“ project. This exciting

new project will allow us to investigate

the role of visual communicative

signals in situated, face-to-face

language processing, using a

combination of conversational corpus data, kinect, data, experimental data and Virtual Reality. The new project will start on September 1st. Keep an eye out for the job ads! 

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